NO Karakia @ TWT on Sunday 5th June 2022
Bible Discussions
ANZAC Service of Commemoration
Easter Sunday 2022
Alleluia, God Eternal; death cannot contain your glory, nor our mind confine this mystery. Give us faith’s insight, free us from all fear, and release in us the Risen Christ. Through Jesus Christ our Liberator, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever Amen
Service of the Shadows 2022
We are all dressed in black and the lights are off as we enter the Church, this symbolic service allows us to all walk with Jesus to the cross.
Maundy Thursday
Gracious God, we praise you for this sacrament, the gift of your son to his Church. As we share this supper together may we know his strength and enter the fullness of his life and love. Amen