100th Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele

We were privileged to have our New Zealand WWII Veterans join us for the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele. The Battle that WWII Veteran Rtd. Capt. Papa Bruce Harris’s father Arthur Leslie Harris was seriously wounded.

Lest we Forget

Papa Bruce Harris sharing with the congregation

Our Ruatara Award recipients at Karakia today hearing stories from our New Zealand WWII Veterans.

Farewell our Faithful Servant “Aunty Hine”

The Late Mrs Mihirangi Te Awn Hiku
(Aunty Hine)
17th July 1930 – 23rd September 2017

Firstly, we would like to acknowledge Aunty Hine Hiku who passed away on Saturday the 23rd September in Pukekohe, New Zealand. Archdeacon shared his heartfelt memories of Aunty Hine at our service last Sunday, we know what a faithful servant she was to the Lord and especially to her Priest and Church. We thank God for Aunty Hine, her many gifts and the time she spent with us, and especially her support of our Kahui Wahine.