An Anniversary Service will be held on Sunday 25th October 2015 @ 10.30am
Marking 30 years since the Official Entry into the Church of Te Wairua Tapu.
This will be followed by a shared lunch.
Nau te rourou naku te rourou ka ora te manuhiri
A quote from Archdeacon Kingi Ihaka

“Sunday 27th October 1985 will go down in history as one of the most important and memorable days in the history of the Maori in Sydney. At 9.30 a.m. with a light shower falling, members of the Fellowship assembled at the Maori Cemetery at Rookwood, for the planting of two pohutukawa trees, gifted by the Hon. Koro Tainui Wetere, Minister of Maori Affairs, New Zealand, with a simple and moving Service of thanksgiving and dedication. At 11.a.m. a service was held at St John’s Church, to say “thank you” and “farewell”. The Bishop of Aotearoa officiated. At 3.00 p.m. the thanksgiving Service and Official Entry into the Church was held. During the service, a Chalice and Paten was presented to the Chaplain by Mr Fowler, on behalf of the retiring trustees of the Church. The Clergy present included The Archbishop of Sydney, The Bishop of Aotearoa, the Right Revd J.R. Reid, at least 12 priests, including the Revd. Hemi Hekiera, representing the Roman Catholic Maori Community of New Zealand, and others.”