Sunday Services 10:30am at 587 Elizabeth St, Redfern, Sydney
Amazing Women doing great things! A time to relax and revitalise!
Thank you all for sharing your time and talents!
Another highlight of our day was a visit from Marama Fox (Member of Parliament and Co Leader of the Maori Party, NZ)
Fantastic Gifts
Angelic Facials
Divine Massage
Heavenly Nails
Saintly Hair
Alluring Tea Party
Easter Sunday is always a celebration @ TWT Redfern, after our Maundy Thursday evening Service, Good Friday Shadow Service our Church is transformed and we gather to celebrate The Risen Jesus Christ!
This year we also celebrated with our tamariki and Rangatahi our:
These Awards acknowledge 200 years of Christian engagement in
Aotearoa –New Zealand.
Presented on Easter Sunday 2015
These Awards are merit based for our Rangitahi and Tamariki who attended Te Wairua Tapu in 2014. Each recipient is eligible for those attending High School or Primary School.
This is an opportunity for Te Wairua Tapu to financially support our young people to achieve their greatest potential for a positive future.
Te Ao Iti Patchett
Lahania Bilich
Izaya Souter
Faith Kaivananga presented in August
These are not annual Awards, however it is certainly a goal our management team will try to achieve.
ANZAC Service of Commemoration
The Sydney Maori Anglican Fellowship -Church of Te Wairua Tapu and New Zealand Veterans in Australia invited the expat New Zealand Community to join with our NZ Veterans for our Annual ANZAC Service.
Sunday 26th April 10.30am
Archdeacon Karipa opens our Service in prayer
Fairy Meadow Community Centre 3pm
Cnr Princes Highway and Cambridge Avenue, Fairy Meadow
18th October, 6th December
Communion Service, All Welcome
St Annes Church 2.45 pm
Cnr Walder and Stewart Streets
Hammondville NSW
8th November, 13th December
All Welcome
25th of April ANZAC Dawn Service Martin Place Sydney
We Will Remember Them – Lest We Forget