TWT Wahine Pamper Day

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A Time for Everything!
I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.
Eccl 3:12-13


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Today we are remembering our ANZAC fallen and our guest speaker is Air Commodore Richard Lennon, CSC. Commander Air Mobility Group, Senior Australian Defence Force Officer-Richmond.

We are also acknowledging the families of our service men and women who are being presented their ancestors medals from WWI and WWII which for some reason were either never received by the Veteran or were lost.


Erina Morunga, Filipa Payne, Kiri Barber, Roger Reeves and Butch Barber drove around Australia (17,000 + kms) to raise awareness and education about the Section 501 of the Australian Migration Act that impacts on our people residing in Australia. This is an important kaupapa and the New Zealand Labour MP Kelvin Davis was present at the Sydney Launch.

Today Kiri & Butch Barber share their experiences,their stories and the generosity of those they met on their travels. The passion of Erina, Filpa and Roger and the injustices.

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Visiting Clergy

Rev Canon Robert Kereopa, Executive Officer of the Anglican Mission Board in New Zealand, visited with us at Te Wairua Tapu. Especially significant was the work the Anglican Mission Board is doing in Fiji after the devastation of Cyclone Winston.

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Deepest Sympathy

It is with sadness, that we advise Reverend Canon George Ehau passed away on the  31st March 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand.  Our love and prayers are with Wyn and whanau at this time.

Photo: Anglican Taonga  New Zealand

Ruatara Awards 2016

These Awards acknowledge over 200 years of Christian engagement in
Aotearoa –New Zealand.

These Awards are merit based for our Rangitahi and Tamariki who attended Te Wairua Tapu in 2015. Each recipient is currently attending High School or Primary School.

This is an opportunity for Te Wairua Tapu to financially support our young people to achieve their greatest potential for a positive future.

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Thank you to Greg Makutu for his continued support of our Ruatara Awards

Good Friday – Shadow Service

From the Gospels of Matthew and Luke

The Church lights are off,
and on the Altar Seven Candles are already lit,
A light shines at the Presenters lectern,
The Seven Presenters are dressed in black and walk towards the Altar, our Service of the Shadows begins…

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Betrayal presented by Moana
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Inner Agony presented by Barby
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Loneliness presented by Robyn
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Accusation presented by Whaea Doris
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Desertion presented by Nick
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Mockery presented by Izaya
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Death presented by Archdeacon Karipa
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A journey shared…
2016 Mar Good Fri Congregation