“I recognise we have different culturally appropriate ways of grieving, but I wonder – if everyone has the capacity to express emotions, should not the occasion of death be the perfect outlet for such emotions? Dr Pita Sharples 2006
Memorial Service
Bishop Michael Stead Visits
The new Regional Bishop Michael Stead received a very warm welcome by everyone in attendance then delivered an revelational sermon on the Holy Trinity.
Bishop Stead also confirmed Lahania Bilich, Crystal and Diamond McLean. This marks a special occasion as these three young ladies were baptized by Archdeacon Karipa at the Church of Te Wairua Tapu when they were babies.
Easter Sunday – He is Risen
Good Friday – Shadow Service
From the Gospels of Matthew and Luke
The Church lights are off,
and on the Altar Seven Candles are already lit,
A light shines at the Presenters lectern,
The Seven Presenters are dressed in black and walk towards the Altar, our Service of the Shadows begins…
Betrayal presented by Moana
Inner Agony presented by Barby
Loneliness presented by Robyn
Accusation presented by Whaea Doris
Desertion presented by Nick
Mockery presented by Izaya
Death presented by Archdeacon Karipa
Maundy Thursday (The Last Supper)
Palm Sunday
1st Sunday in Lent
Lent is the annual period of Christian observance that precedes Easter. The dates of Lent are defined by the date of Easter, which is a moveable feast, meaning that it falls on a different date each year. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and its observance (although not its liturgical period – see below) lasts for 40 days, mirroring the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness before starting his ministry. It can also be seen to mirror the 40 hours that Jesus spent in the tomb prior to his resurrection.
Extract from