We celebrated with Te Kairangi, his parents and whanau who supported him at his Baptism.
Annual Memorial Service @ Fairy Meadow
We gathered at Fairy Meadow and listened to the stories of our Maori community of Wollongong through the lives of those we see no longer. Thank you to Ernie & Abe for their sharing and hospitality. Our storytelling is unique and reflects the aroha of our memories. Thank you for sharing your stories and honouring your whanau and friends.
Memorial Service
As a community we gather to remember and commemorate the lives of those we see no longer. We share our stories and this year we were privileged to have some exceptional sharing and waiata
Welcome to our Annual Shadow Service held at 10.30am on Good Friday. This Service of Shadows is presented by members of our congregation portraying Jesus suffering as he journeys to the Cross. The Church lights are extinguished, the Church is presented in Black as are the presenters. Here we experience the sacrifice and suffering and ultimately the Death of Jesus. <
Ascension Sunday : Pentecost Sunday : Trinity Sunday
Congratulations to Wiremu
ANZAC Service
Easter Sunday _He is Risen
Good Friday – Shadow Service
Miriam Moana Jennifer Robyn Heeni Ruth Archdeacon Karipa[/caption]
Christmas Eve Service
Advent 2016