Season of Epiphany

Praise to you, Jesus Christ

God in human form.

You show us the fulness of life;

help us to find this life for ourselves and for others


Keep safe everyone and God Bless you all

Christmas Eve Service @ TWT Cancelled !

Please share with all your networks

Unfortunately due to changes in the NSW Covid restrictions, tonight’s Christmas Eve Service is cancelled and NO Services will take place at Te Wairua Tapu until further notice. Stay safe, enjoy your Whanau and God Bless

Archdeacon Kaio Malcolm Karipa

19th December “All welcome”

We waited so everyone could be present, so happy to see everyone face to face, first Service since June.

A celebration of being together

Okay, how can I help? awesome Miriam

Thank you Cathy & Faron for assisting boss Calene, and her team on hangi, Charlotte and Richard

Our kids, sorry no photos of their Christmas Party, photographer was busy, however huge smiles and lots of presents makes happy kids! Awesome Sheryl


Over the last months our Prayer Groups have studied together via zoom, each group has grown and we are thankful for their continued prayers for our community. From this group communication has increased and we are thankful to everyone for calling our kaumatua and kuia and making sure those that live on their own are okay. Being in community is very much who we are, so again thank you to those that did the telephone calls, the emails and the zoom links.

I thank you, Father, that you listen to me. John 11.41. (Good News Bible)

TWT Wahine Catch Up via Zoom

Thank you to the 30 ladies that participated in our weekly catch ups, your honesty in sharing your stories during lockdown were empowering. Our theme “Strengthen your Faith and Change your Life” motivated and challenged our new normal during lockdown. Our FORM became a creative expression of our bubble. May God continue to bless your journey in Faith.