10.30 am. Palm Sunday
7.30pm Maundy Thursday Service
10.30am. Good Friday Shadow Service
10.30am. Easter Sunday

Sunday Services 10:30am at 587 Elizabeth St, Redfern, Sydney
10.30 am. Palm Sunday
7.30pm Maundy Thursday Service
10.30am. Good Friday Shadow Service
10.30am. Easter Sunday
Wednesday 22nd February till Thursday 6th April
As we travel together during Lent, our 40 day journey is about self discovery. We reflect, prepare and learn more about ourselves and our own journey of Faith.
Revelation at Baptism
The Lamb of God
Revelation in Galilee
Faith, Hope and Love
Saturday 24th December 11.30pm
‘God with Us’
Son of God, light that shines in the dark, child of joy and peace, help us to come to you and be born anew this holy night. Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen
Mere Kirihimete
‘A God Near at Hand’ Sunday 18th December 2022
We gathered after Karakia to share ‘Christmas Lunch’ together. Thank you to Miriam and her team for organising our lunch. The jewels on our table were our Kaumatua and Kuia. Meri Kirihimete!
Saturday 24th December 11.30pm
Sunday 25th December NO SERVICE TODAY
Sunday 1st January 2023 10.30 am
Sunshine Coast Retreat
September 2022
We haven’t travelled together for several years. Thank you for representing TWT Wahine and being amazing women, as Julie shared:
“We have certainly grown closer as sisters as well as closer to God… we may not all have it together, but ‘together’ we have it all! Amen. ”
Sunday Bible Discussions 9am-10am
TWT @ Redfern 10.30 am. Communion Service
TWT @ Moorebank
St Thomas Anglican Teams Centre 60 Lucas Avenue, Moorebank. 3pm.
2nd Sunday of the month September, November & December
TWT @ Fairy Meadow
Memorial Service