Keep each other safe whanau in this highly contagious covid environment, your safety is paramount. Please replace handshakes, kisses & hugs with loving nods and smiles. We are closed until further notice. God Bless!
Christmas Eve Service @ TWT Cancelled !
Unfortunately due to changes in the NSW Covid restrictions, tonight’s Christmas Eve Service is cancelled and NO Services will take place at Te Wairua Tapu until further notice. Stay safe, enjoy your Whanau and God Bless
Archdeacon Kaio Malcolm Karipa
19th December “All welcome”
A celebration of being together
Okay, how can I help? awesome Miriam
Thank you Cathy & Faron for assisting boss Calene, and her team on hangi, Charlotte and Richard
Our kids, sorry no photos of their Christmas Party, photographer was busy, however huge smiles and lots of presents makes happy kids! Awesome Sheryl
TWT Wahine Christmas in July Luncheon held in December @ Sydney Tower
Bible Discussions breakfast @ the Vicarage
Working Bee @ TWT
I thank you, Father, that you listen to me. John 11.41. (Good News Bible)
Happy Birthday
TWT Wahine Catch Up via Zoom
Bible Discussions
During lockdown we continued to meet on Sunday mornings via Zoom