TWT Wananga

Archdeacon Karipa and Reverend Mei were both passionate about our topic “Ministry”.

Friday 23rd September
Saturday 24th September

Challenged by our “Fishing for People”

Four Sessions:
What is Ministry?
Reverend Mei shared his Ministry story
What role do our Himene have in Worship
The difference between Talents and Gifts



Karanga Class

He Korero Mo Te Karanga with Whaea Tahi, providing educational opportunities,
the Kaikaranga leads her people on to any Marae, any Venue with dignity, respect, courage and love.

Thank you to our Kaumatua, Kaikaranga and kaimahi who came to support our class.

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Deepest Sympathy

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To Jenny and the whanau of the Late Sir Ian Turbott Kt, AO, CMG, CVO, CStJ, Hon.D. List (UWS) our deepest condolences.
We were so privileged to have Sir Ian as a friend of the Church, his presence at our ANZAC Services was inspirational as he encompassed the essence of our New Zealand Veterans living in Australia, the ANZAC Spirit and the nobility of a New Zealand Service person.

Courtesy of New Zealand Veterans in Australia