ANZAC Day Dawn Service at The Cenotaph in Sydney’s Martin Place

Thank you to the ANZAC Day Dawn Trust for the privilege to represent New Zealand in this ANZAC Commemorative Service. The ANZAC Day Dawn Service begins at 4.30am, for us, we meet at 1am with our choir master Richard Haeata. Already we remember the significance of the ANZAC relationship and our own Veteran’s we see no longer. Karakia & practice are over and we gather our korowai and head to catch our train with thousands of others to Martin Place. We see our New Zealand contingent and our Consulate General and know there’s no other place we should be, “We will remember Them”, “Lest we forget”.


Easter Sunday _He is Risen

Our Easter Journey

We began with our Maundy Thursday Service at 7.30pm, followed by the emotional Shadow Service on Good Friday at 10.30am to the joyous Easter Sunday Service at 10.30am.

Good Friday – Shadow Service

Welcome to our Annual Shadow Service held at 10.30am on Good Friday.

This Service of Shadows is presented by members of our congregation portraying Jesus suffering as he journeys to the Cross. The Church lights are extinguished, the Church is presented in Black as are the presenters. Here we experience the sacrifice and suffering and ultimately the Death of Jesus.

< Miriam Moana Jennifer Robyn Heeni Ruth Archdeacon Karipa[/caption]

Lest We Forget

NZ Vietnam Veteran R398099 LBdr Hohepa Anaru Riwai passed away on the 27 January 2017.

NZ Vietnam Veteran Clarence Ormsby accompanied Hohepa’s widow Yvonne to the Church of Te Wairua Tapu last Sunday so the community could acknowledge the loss of Hohepa and provide support to Yvonne through Karakia and Whakawhanaungatanga.

Thank you Clarence for your continuing and unwavering support to our Veterans and their families.

Thank you Church of Te Wairua Tapu for providing support to Yvonne.

Our sincere condolences for your loss Yvonne.

Lest We Forget

Source: New Zealand Veterans in Australia

TWT Complex

We have had lots of rain in Sydney and unfortunately our roof has lost some slates from wear and tear. Thank you to Chris and team for coming to our rescue and making our roof water- tight. Over lunch plans were being made for future developments and thank you to our kuia for lunch..

Rt. Rev Don Tamihere

Congratulations to the Rt. Rev. Don Tamihere inducted on the 11th March, the second Bishop of Te Tairawhiti


Photo: Dr Hirini Kaa, Ven Michael Tamihere, Rt Rev Don Tamihere and Rev. Chris Huriwai