We Will Remember Them
Te Wairua Tapu Choir
Te Wairua Tapu Choir with our New Zealand Consul General Ms Billie Moore
Sunday Services 10:30am at 587 Elizabeth St, Redfern, Sydney
Easter Sunday
Together we celebrate the Risen Christ
The Church is transformed with flowers and decorations of white and gold
Jesus Christ our Saviour
you have delivered us
from death and sin.
You have brought with the dawn
a new beginning and an empty tomb
grant us strength and humility
to enter into life
NZPD pg 592
The only light in the Church is candlelight, all the covers are black and the appointed Shadows are presenting their personal reflections. This service is unique with the congregation representatives sharing: Betrayal, Inner Agony, Loneliness, Accusation, Desertion, Mockery and Death
Lord Jesus Christ
as we kneel at the foot of your cross
help us to see and know your love for us
so that we may place at your feet
all that we have and are.
NZPB pg 587
A special Evening Service held annually at 7.30pm
Gracious God,
we praise you for this sacrament,
the gift of your Son to his Church
As we share this supper together
may we know his strength
and enter the fullness of his life and love
NZPB pg 585
Our journey continues…
Announced as the next Pihopa o Aotearoa, Rt Rev Don Tamihere will become the youngest primate in the Anglican Communion. Congratulations to Bishop Don, Kisa and their whanau and we continue to pray for our Church in Aotearoa-New Zealand.
For further information www.anglicantaonga.org.nz>news
Photo: Anglican Taonga New Zealand
Sunday 24th December 10.30am
Monday 25th December
Sunday 31st December 10.30am