Sydney Marae Alliance Inc

Community Announcement View this email in your browser

Sydney Marae Alliance Inc
GPO Box 365
Sydney NSW 2000
Welcome to Sydney Marae Alliance Inc
Our Aim
The principal aims of SMA shall be:
To provide a cultural precinct to enable members and guests to conduct activities, events and ceremonies.
To co-operate with other relevant organisations, government departments and local bodies in the furtherance of these aims.
To welcome visitors from all cultures in accordance with the principles of tikanga Maori.
To preserve, maintain and continue to develop Maori culture within the context of contemporary Australia.
To provide a venue for educational activities which support and further the development, knowledge and practice of Maori culture in the broadest sense.
To host others activities deemed by the committee to be in keeping with the objectives and interests of SMA.

Community Update
Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, e te ti, e te ta, tena koutou katoa. I te tuatahi ka mihi atu ki te iwi taketake o te rohe nei. Na ko te Darug tera a ratou e nohongia tuatahi.

Hena me mihi kau ana ki a koutou ngā kawaitanga o ngā hau e wha, arā, ngā mātāwaka o Aotearoa, o te ao whānui hoki. Tēna koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

It’s been over three years since SMA last met with our community and we know you have been waiting for news. Since you heard from us last SMA have continued to work with council, the tangata whenua and our many supporters to achieve our collective dream of a place in Sydney to nurture our Maori culture.

In May 2020 SMA had the opportunity to submit an Expression of Interest for the lease of land for the purpose of a Cultural Centre (Whare Wananga).
On Wednesday 2 September 2020 Cumberland Council met in a closed meeting and we are very excited to announce that they have approved to award the lease.

Please join us in giving thanks to all who contributed in this amazing achievement.

The next steps involve Sydney Marae Alliance working with Council to finalise the terms and conditions in the lead up to signing the required documentation.
The SMA Committee and Working Group are also planning our project next steps, community engagement and communication and will keep you informed as our journey progresses.

We will continue to release information as it becomes available, if you have any questions please contact us via email:
Nga mihi,
Archdeacon Kaio Karipa
Sydney Marae Alliance Inc
Copyright © 2020 Sydney Marae Alliance, All rights reserved.

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