Maundy Thursday Service ” The Last Supper”

A special Evening Service held annually at 7.30pm

Gracious God,
we praise you for this sacrament,
the gift of your Son to his Church
As we share this supper together
may we know his strength
and enter the fullness of his life and love

NZPB pg 585

Maundy Thursday
Colour Red
1st Reading
Exodus 12: 1-4, 11-14
presented by Char
2nd Reading
1 Cor 11:23-26
presented by Elsie
The Holy Gospel
St John 13: 1-17, 31-35
presented by Archdeacon Karipa
Holy Communion


Our Service closes with Psalm 22 Part 1 read by Robyn as Archdeacon strips the Altar ready for tomorrows Good Friday Service

Our journey continues…

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