Kura Ratapu (Sunday School)

2024: We are currently looking for a Kura Ratapu teacher.

Colouring, Dot-to Dot, Colour by numbers, games, lessons and printable.


Register with Whaea Sheryl

COVID 19 25th October 2020

Children will remain in there Whanau bubble and Kura will have a new look in 2021

COVID 19 18th March 2020

Unfortunately Kura along with our Bible Study and Church Services are suspended until further notice due to COVID -19

2019 Kura Ratapu Christmas Party
Whaea Maria
Oriwa supervising the build

This is the most important area where the church whanau needs to support and encourage parents to bring their children to Kura to learn the basic values they will need to carry them throughout their lives.

We offer many creative arts to help introduce them to scripture and to help them explore the riches of the gospel in a safe environment for Primary and Secondary School aged children.

The curriculum for Kura is a combination of biblical themes, music,and readings where the children are encouraged to participate and share in a variety of activities that challenge and inspire them

2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month

Ask Whaea Maria for more information.